Valley of the Go-Go’s
145 Continued from previous page... CHARLOTTE I'm tellin' ya, I've been cured... I'm right as rain now. MYLES What did you do? Have a religious experience…
145 Continued from previous page... CHARLOTTE I'm tellin' ya, I've been cured... I'm right as rain now. MYLES What did you do? Have a religious experience…
144 Thursday, September 23rd, 1988, 3:18 P.M. Charlotte was a nervous wreck. How could she not be? Her whole world was crumbling down around her and…
143 Continued from page 32... Sunday, July 26th, 1987, 1:03 A.M. As he trudged his weary legs up the stairs towards his office above…
142 Friday, July 24th, 1987, 5:35 P.M. In regards to all the relationships that Myles had experienced in his life, nothing could compare to the one…
141 Continued from previous page... BELINDA Aren't we forgetting just one, tiny, little detail here? JANE What's that? BELINDA We're supposed to be broken up, remember?…
140 Continued from page 132... Tuesday, July 21st, 1987, 7:40 P.M. Saying 'yes' to making another album was the last thing in the world…
139 Continued from previous page... CHARLOTTE Oh, hi, Suff.. Swingin' party ya' got here. SUFFY Thanks. I'm the hostess with the Hostess. We've got some Ding…
138 Thursday, October 9th, 1986, 2:19 P.M. The two rooms that Charlotte had booked at the Roosevelt Hotel were now teeming with activity. She deemed this…
137 Continued from previous page... Kathy gets up from the chair behind the desk and walks towards the far wall. She has her back towards Charlotte.…
136 Continued from page 130... CHARLOTTE Like I said... I walked up to him... And I told him... "Just so you know... If you don't give…