Continued from page 160…
Wednesday, September 22nd, 1988, 9:41 P.M.
Kathy and Gina could hear Belinda’s screams coming from the other side of the wall. The dogs had obviously descended upon her, but it was impossible to know exactly how in-depth the attack was escalating. Both of them were prepared to help in any way they could.
“AAAAHHH, HELP ME!!!” Belinda screamed.
“Belinda, can you get back?!! yelled Kathy.
Miraculously, both Gina and Kathy could now see Belinda’s hands enter the picture, as it looked like she had changed her mind about escaping and was now trying to re-enter Kathy’s back yard. The decision between facing her three, reptilian, alien friends or becoming Thousand Oaks flavored Alpo to a pack of hungry canines was now apparent. Her head gradually popped into view.
“Do you need some help?” asked Gina.
“No, Gina,” grunted Belinda, as she frantically began pulling herself up to the top of the brick wall. “I’m having the time of my life… You know… how much I love dogs.”
Kathy lunged towards the wall and put up her arms in a desperate attempt to catch Belinda in case she fell down from the top. But Belinda, broken and bleeding, managed to hurdle the wall all by herself, then dropped down from the top and into the safety of Kathy’s back yard. Immediately, Gina and Kathy rushed to her aid.
“Are you alright, Babe?” asked Kathy, as she bent down in order to assist with anything.
Belinda looked up with her mouth open and her head bobbing back and forth. “I’m fine,” she answered, sucking in wind. “Never better.”
“Do you need a cigarette?” asked Gina. “You look like you’re out of breath.”
“Did you get bit?” asked Kathy, as she began to examine Belinda’s body.
“I think… I caught one in the leg,” answered Belinda, as Kathy and Gina began to help her to her feet.
Gina looked down and saw Belinda’s donated pair of jeans all tattered and torn. Sure enough, there was blood coming out from the mangled mess.
“Omigod, Belinda, you’re bleeding!” observed Gina.
“Yes.. Gina… I’m well aware of that,” said Belinda, as she started hobbling in the direction of the house, her arms now draped around each one of her compatriot’s shoulders. “You’re always so observant,” Belinda continued. “Why don’t you get a job as an archeologist?”
Meanwhile, amongst all of the posttraumatic excitement that was going on, the dogs were still barking and growling in the background. And now, their hoots and howls were accompanied by the sound of human voices coming into the picture.
“What’s going on over there?!!” asked one of the voices. “Who are you?”
“It’s me, Mr. Trocheck,” answered Kathy. “Your neighbor, Kathy Valentine!”
“What’s going on, Miss Valentine? Why are you always causing trouble?”
Kathy looked over at Gina and Belinda with a quizzical look on her face. Sure, she was a demonic rock and roller, (yeah, right) but Kathy was always respectful of the people in her neighborhood and hardly ever made any noise outside of the house. She couldn’t understand what Mr. Trocheck was talking about.
“Uh.. I thought I saw a prowler,” Kathy shouted back. Her answer caused Gina and Belinda to smile. It also triggered Gina’s rebelliousness in light of the situation. She decided to throw a couple of her female cohorts under the bus.
“I think it was Joan Jett.. or Cherie Currie,” yelled Gina. “They’re always runnin’ away from somethin.’
Everybody laughed at Gina’s remark. Everyone except for Mr. Trocheck.
“What’s going on over there?” he asked once again. “I thought I saw someone climb over from my yard into yours? Why did my spotlight go on?” Hearing their giggles, Mr. Trocheck was now beginning to sense that Kathy and her gang were subsequently having fun at his disposal. It was pissing him off.
“I hope your dogs don’t have rabies!” shouted Belinda. “Someone could get hurt!”
Mr. Trocheck had heard enough.
“I’m calling the police,” he informed.
For three chicks who had had their fair share of run-ins with the police, Gina, Belinda, and Kathy were hardly shivering in fear from Mr. Trocheck’s threat. On the other hand, the police were the last thing that they wanted to hear from. This whole thing was getting messy.
“Uh, okay, Mr. Trocheck.. You do what you have to,” said Kathy.
“Watch out for the police, Mr. Trocheck… They might have to cite you for poor lawn maintenance,” yelled Gina. “You know this neighborhood.”
Kathy pushed open the back door of her house that was already ajar, as the three of them entered the laundry room with Belinda still clinging to their shoulders. They made their way into the kitchen and placed Belinda down in one of the chairs. At the same time, they could hear Jane coming in from the front door. She entered the kitchen and saw Belinda looking like she had just been involved in a street fight.
“Omigod, what happened to you?!!” she shrieked.
“She decided to do some gardening at night,” Gina cracked. “I told her that was dangerous.”
“Oh, my poor baby,” poured Jane, as she rushed over to Belinda and cradled her head in her arms.
“I’m alright,” said Belinda, patting Jane’s forearm.
Kathy smiled facetiously as she looked over at Jane’s caring attention towards her precious friend. As Belinda looked back at Kathy’s facial expression, she sensed that Kathy was going to do something sneaky and unnecessary.
Sure enough, Kathy couldn’t help herself.
“Jane… Belinda’s bleeding,” she stated.
Belinda glared back at Kathy as if to say— “Why are you telling her this? You know she’s going to flip-out.”
And, as to be expected, Jane overreacted like everyone knew she would. Just as Kathy had hoped, Jane placed her hands on her cheeks and gasped, “OMIGOD you ARE bleeding!!”
Kathy continued in a calm, vindictive manner.
“Jane… Go upstairs and get my medical kit out of the linen closet in my bathroom,” she instructed. “That should have everything in it to fix her up.. Hurry up, now. Time is of the essence.”
“Oh, oh, omigod, okay,” stammered Jane. Then she danced back and forth in a dazed panic before turning and heading in the proper direction.
Belinda folded her arms and addressed Kathy accordingly.
“What is the matter with you?” she asked.
Kathy’s sardonic smile widened even more.
Considering my story takes place
in Los Angeles, I am, indeed,
writing with a heavy heart. God
Bless all who are involved.
Be safe.