Valley of the Go-Go’s




Monday, July 27th, 1987, Time Unknown



Jane awoke suddenly and lifted her head up to look around. Although there was light coming through the window, she didn’t immediately recognize her surroundings. Her head felt foggy and her mouth felt dry. Very dry. She couldn’t seem to moisten it. The feeling running throughout her body and her brain instantly told her it was the effects of alcohol from the night before. Her thoughts slowly started to come into focus: She and Kathy had tied one on the previous evening and discussed some pretty earth-shattering information. She had either fallen asleep or passed-out in one of Kathy’s guest bedrooms.

Normally, Jane would lay her head back down on the pillow and go back to sleep in order to attempt to kill off the effects of the hangover. But, she didn’t like the feeling of this particular morning. Something didn’t feel right. She felt scared and confused. She felt out of place because this wasn’t her home. She felt compelled to get up and investigate the situation. Jane pushed the blankets aside and got out of the bed. She could see that she had slept in her clothes but had no energy to bother with putting her shoes on. Within seconds, some of the details of the night’s conversation started to emerge in her mind. She felt sick to her stomach when she thought of them.

“How could Charlotte be involved in such awful things?” Jane asked to herself. She tried her best not to think of the worst as she repeated to herself in her mind— “I love her, I love her, I love her— I love you, Charlotte… We’ll get through this.”

Jane stumbled around the bed, almost losing her balance, and opened the bedroom door. She poked her head out and looked around in both directions. The house was eerily quiet. She walked down the hallway in her stocking feet and started to creep down the carpeted staircase, being careful not to make too much noise. She made her way into the entrance of Kathy’s spacious kitchen and glanced around the room, as her head remained foggy and her vision blurred. Again, the silence was deafening.

“Good morning,” said a voice from behind her.

“Huhhh!” gasped Jane, completely startled.

It was Kathy, fully dressed and looking like she was feeling no ill-effects from the night before.

“Did you sleep well?” asked Kathy.

“Oh, uh, yeah, I guess so,” stammered Jane. “Except that I feel like shit,” she continued. “We must have drank a ton.”

“Yeah, we went at it pretty hard,” said Kathy, who didn’t quite seem to be acting like herself. Something was different about her and it was unsettling. In turn, something was also weighing especially heavy on Jane’s mind. She had to ask.

“Kathy… can I ask you a question?” she queried.

“Of course,” replied Kathy, acting oddly cheerful.

“How come you never asked me how I knew that you hired that guy?” asked Jane.

“Because I don’t care about that stuff, Jane,” responded Kathy.

“Don’t care? How can you not care?” inquired Jane. “It’s important.”

Kathy walked over to her butcher’s block and put her hands on it. She rested that way for a couple of seconds, then she put her hand on the wooden, cutlery rack. She pulled out the largest steak knife and turned to look at Jane.

“I told you, Jane, I don’t care about that shit… You worry too much,” snarled Kathy, who started to walk towards Jane, holding the knife in her hand and sticking it straight out towards her.

“Kathy, what are you doing? What are you doing with that knife?!! yelled Jane.

“I hate you, Jane!!” screamed Kathy. “I’m going to kill you!!”

Jane backed up and felt two arms grab her from behind. She looked over her shoulder and saw Belinda’s mother, Joanne, glaring down at her with an evil smile on her face.

“Hold her still while I cut out the baby!!! shouted Kathy.

“AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!” screamed Jane, as she bolted up in her bed. “AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!” she screamed again. She clutched the blankets and looked around furiously. The room was dark with only a hint of moonlight shining through the window. She was gasping for air and her heart was pounding. She was bathed in sweat. Within seconds, she realized that she just had a horrifying nightmare— Beyond horrifying. She panted and cried as she grabbed the pillow, smothered her face with it and screamed again.

“Why, WHY?!! What was the reason for this?!!” she cried to herself.

Several more seconds ticked away, but Jane continued to be terrified as she sat on the bed, breathing heavily and looking around. Surely, the monster was still in the room.

Then, the door to the bedroom opened up and a voice called out,

“Jane, are you alright?!!”

Jane recognized Kathy’s voice and cried out in pain, “Nooooo!!!” “I had a horrible nightmare!”

“Ohhh, honey!!” said Kathy, as she slid on top of the bed and engulfed Jane in her arms. “It’s okay, baby, it’s okay… I’m here now,” consoled Kathy, as she caressed and kissed Jane’s head.

“Kathy, it was horrible… It was so horrible,” said Jane, still sobbing from her horrendous experience.

“I know, sweetie, I know… We’ve all had nightmares,” comforted Kathy. “It just takes a few minutes to get over it.”

“Don’t leave me,” requested Jane. “Stay with me for the rest of the night.”

“Of course, I will… Whatever you want,” assured Kathy.

The two of them gradually settled into a horizontal position and pulled the covers over the top of them. They laid in each other’s arms long enough for Jane to feel comfortable again. As they cuddled together, Jane eventually found her head nestled into Kathy’s bosom and felt her cheek flush with Kathy’s breast. Neither one of them moved or said a word. They stayed that way until Jane became unavoidably aroused. At this point, Jane’s instincts were to kiss Kathy’s breasts and bury her face in them, but she resisted. Together, the two of them had never been in this situation before.

“I love your P.J.’s,” revealed Jane. “They’re super soft.”

Kathy was wearing her pajamas with the little guitars on them. Indeed, they were bookoo soft and snuggly.

“I can go get you a pair if you want,” informed Kathy.

“No, that’s okay… I don’t want you to leave,” said Jane, in a seductive kind of way.

As the two of them continued to lie in that exact same position, an inevitability was starting to emerge. Their breathing was getting heavier. Jane was not going to be able to hold out much longer. She moved up closer to Kathy’s face.

“You know, I don’t need P.J.’s… But, I don’t feel comfortable in my clothes,” said Jane.

Hearing this, Kathy nuzzled her nose into the nape of Jane’s neck.

“Okay,” she whispered softly into her ear.

“I’m going to take them off,” Jane whispered back.