Valley of the Go-Go’s




Continued from previous page..



Ya’ know, I’ve noticed
that about you.




That you’re pretty
fucked up.


Thank you.
I work hard at it.


Did you take some
special courses…
or training.. or something?


Yeah, at Newberry Park
High School… They specialize
in that… Actually, I can’t rip
on Newberry.. It’s an excellent
school. I was lucky to go there.

Continuing with the
comical nature of the
conversation, Kathy
leans over to Gina and
pretends to be an interviewer—
complete with the invisible


Gina Schock, what would
you say was the main feature
that stands out about Belinda
Carlisle’s face?

Hearing this,
Belinda starts
striking poses.


Umm, I would have
to say… her nose.


Really? Her nose?


Yeah, she doesn’t have
those big-ass nostrils
that everybody else has.


Everybody else?


Yeah, there’s too many
people walkin’ around
with big nostrils.


I see… So, in your opinion,
the world is filled with too
many oversized nostrils?


Yes, definitely… Way too
many oversized nostrils.

Okay, you guys can stop
sayin’ that word now.
You’re making me fuckin’ sick.

Again, Kathy
changes the course
of the conversation.


So.. what happened to
those great songs you two
said you came up with?


Oh, yeah! … Well.. one was
one that Gina came up with
on her own… but the other
one was one that I sorta’
stole from you.


What do you mean?


Remember that great tune
you did with the Textones?
The one you said we should do?


Which one? Vacation?


Yeah, that’s it.


Yeah, I’m telling you guys,
that could be perfect for us.
I just gotta’ dig it out of the closet.


Well, I was listening to a
tape of it.. and I think I mighta’
come up with something.


Yeah, it’s good, Kath.
You gotta’ hear this.


Okay, sing some of it.

Belinda readies


Okay, here goes….
“Can’t seem to get my mind off of you…”
“Back here at home, there’s nothing to do…”
And then, Gina came up with an intro and I
got the bridge part… That was pretty hard.

Kathy is in a trance.
Without blinking,
she says…


Do that again.

Belinda repeats herself.
After one rehearsal,
it sounds even better
this time. A big smile
comes across Kathy’s
face. Being an experienced
songwriter, she knows
something good when
she hears it.


I think ya’ got it,
buddy. Let’s go.


Kathy saying “let’s go” was the cue for everyone to man their positions. The three of them jumped up out of their chairs, set down their drinks, snuffed out their cigarettes, and bolted upstairs. They scurried down the hallway until they came to a smaller room to the right where Kathy had a makeshift band set-up all in place. Belinda turned on the P.A. and the digital recording device. Gina grabbed Kathy’s Fender Stratocaster.

“I want to play you the intro I came up with,” she said.

“Cool, let’s hear it,” said Kathy.

After getting all plugged in and playing the series of notes that open up the tune, Gina had another set of instructions.

“And I want those last few notes to linger for a couple of rounds before I come in with the drums,” she said as she handed the guitar over to Kathy.

“Linger?” questioned Kathy.

“Yeah, ya’ know. Let em’ jangle for a few seconds until I come in. You’ll figure it out. I trust you,” remarked Gina, jokingly.

“Oh, thanks, Gina. It’s only my song. I’m glad you think I can figure it out,” returned Kathy.

“Actually, I can hear some effects in my head, too,” revealed Gina as she took a seat on the drum stool.

“You mean— along with the strange voices?” cracked Kathy.

“Eehh-heh-heh-heh, you’re so funny… Why don’t you go scrub the bathtub with your hair, Valentine,” retorted Gina, referring to Kathy’s famously spiked locks.

Gina got comfortable behind the drums and warmed up while Kathy cranked out some power chords just to be obnoxious.

“I want to play the bass,” said Belinda. “Show me what notes to play.”

After Belinda slung the strap around her neck and poked her arm through the hole, Kathy walked over and pointed out the root notes for her to pluck so that she could sing and play at the same time. Asking her to do any kind of fills would be way too much for her to handle.

“Now remember, Babe, when I come in with the rapid-fire on the snare, that’s when you start beltin’ out the lyrics,” instructed Gina.

“Gotcha!” replied Belinda.

And with that, our three available Go-Go’s spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening jamming out, trying to put the finishing touches on their latest creation before submitting it to the other two members for the final collaboration. The next several hours were filled with numerous breaks: bathroom visits, refrigerator raids, smoke breaks, going downstairs to retrieve all of their booze and powdery medicine. (notice how cautious I am about using certain words? Pretty thoughtful of me, huh?) They even had to take a break once in a while to jump up and down and hug each other because of the ear-pleasing melody they just came up with. At one point, Belinda came dancing back into the room, singing some made-up lyrics about what a great songwriter she was, and eating some coleslaw out of a tub that she got from Kathy’s refrigerator.

“You fuckin’ eatin’ my coleslaw, bitch?” asked Kathy.

“I sure am, bitch,” Belinda answered back, as she plopped herself down in one of Kathy’s comfy chairs. “Man, this is good coleslaw,” she continued. “Where did you get it?”

“Uhh, I think I got it at the PayMore Deli here right uptown,” replied Kathy.

“You know— this is not gonna satisfy me,” informed Belinda.

“Well, I’m sorry if I don’t keep heaping bowls of linguini and clam sauce hangin’ around just for you, Babe,” retorted Kathy.

“Mmm, that sounds good… Hey, let’s go out tonight!” suggested Belinda.

A collective wave of moans and groans started coming out of Gina and Kathy’s mouths.

“Oh, come on.. it’s Friday night. I know a place we can go where some of the Dodger players hang out,” offered Belinda.

“It’s the middle of summer, Belinda. They’re not hanging out in a bar… Besides, I’m not interested in any baseball players,” said Kathy.

“Ooh, that’s a mistake… They’re sexy…I got my eye on one of em’ lately,” informed Belinda. “His name is Bobby. He’s a pitcher.”